Economic space of Russia: analysis and assessment at macro level

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The article is devoted to the quality assessment of the Russian economic space at the macro level. As part of the analysis, the authors studied and systematized the territorial and demographic characteristics and the results of the rating assessment of world indices characterizing the quality of the economic space: prosperity index (public welfare), index of economic freedom, index of globalization. Based on the results of each index assessment and its components in dynamics for five years, the authors identified Russia’s strengths and weaknesses when realizing its spatial potential, characterized the results achieved in comparison with other countries, and identified areas where the foreign policy situation has the most influence on the country’s position in the world economic space. Among the key problems of Russia’s spatial development at the supranational level, it is advisable to indicate: low competitiveness of institutional conditions for entrepreneurs and investors; inconsistency of certain social services with international quality standards; corruption risks; insufficient level of development and use of information and communication technologies. Based on the results of the study, the authors justified the expediency of including the task of integration of Russia’s economic space into the global one, taking into account the national security of the country when updating the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The main directions of quality improvement in the economic space are suggested to solve the task. Recommendations for the practical use of the results obtained. The research materials can be used in the process of spatial management improvement and planning at the national level, taking into account the current geopolitical and geoeconomic situation.


Economic space, globalization, quality assessment, spatial potential, world indices, rating, integration

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IDR: 149146905   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.2

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