Economic and statistical analysis of losses in electricity transmission on high-voltage wires in Russia

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Power transmission line is a system of wires along with routes for laying wires, supporting and mounting structures intended for the transmission of electrical energy. Power lines are a connecting element in power systems, for example, station-substation, substation-consumer, etc. The loss of electric power in the wires depends on the current intensity; in order to reduce transmission losses over considerable distances, the voltage is repeatedly increased, but with different voltage, various discharge phenomena begin to occur. Ionization of air near high-voltage wires (overhead transmission line) is the reason for the occurrence of some natural phenomenon - a discharge, which was called the "corona" (crown). The corona discharge, which occurs near high-voltage wires, is accompanied by an unusual sound, a hiss, a light phenomenon of blue color, and the formation of ozone. The corona often leads to corrosion of wires. Decrease in losses of electric power is one of the main goals indicated in the strategy of development of the power grid complex in Russia. In 2017, their volume in the national average should decrease by 11% compared to the level of 2012. The goal of the work is to analyze the losses of electric power throughout the country due to the appearance of corona discharge, as well as the development of modern, universal proposals to reduce the loss of electric power to the corona. Objectives of the work: to study and summarize statistical data on energy losses; identify and characterize positive and negative trends; formulate proposals to reduce losses to the corona discharge in the overhead power transmission line. The economic and statistical analysis of electricity losses in the country will be carried out on the basis of the data presented on the website of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, as well as other literature.


Development, dynamics, electric power industry, power losses, corona discharge, power lines, economy, statistics, analysis, electric power

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147156389   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170416

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