Ecopathological aspects of a sanitary and hygienic condition of the small rivers of the Samara area in conditions of anthropogenous influence

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The lead (carried out) complex researches establish an adverse ecologo hygienic situation of the rivers of the Samara area - Samaras, Sok, Kondurcha, Krivuscha, Chapaewka. Use of priority parameters for quality assurance of water has allowed to range the rivers on a degree of pollution and health hazard. The greatest risks from this point of view represent Chapaewka and Krivuscha, Samara, Sok, Kondurcha are less dangerous. The lead (carried out) ranging allows to define (determine) sequence of water security actions.

Ecologo-hygienic situation, priority parameters, ranging of the rivers, risk to health

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IDR: 148100237

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