Experimental assessment of test system for research the acute toxicity of various pollutants of environment in the laboratory conditions

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Results of experimental studying the efficiency of test system allowing to estimate the toxicity of pollutants of environment in the conditions of educational laboratory are given. Such test objects as aquarian small fishes Poecilia reticulata Peters and Labidochromis caeruleus, and also aquarian mollusks Physa fontinalis Linne and Planorbis corneus were used. Research of acute toxicity was conducted on the example of heavy metals salts: of cadmium sulfate II and copper sulfate II.

Biotesting, cdsо 4, cusо 4, aquarian small fishes, aquarian mollusks, cdso 4, cuso 4

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148101820

IDR: 148101820

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