The experimental studying of possibility the antioxidatic correction of free-radical processes in central nervous system at chronic influence of sulfur-containing pollutants

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The oxidising stress is nonspecific reaction of organism to any influence, including toxic nature. The most vulnerable structure at poisonings with sulphur-containing gas is the central nervous system (CNS). Its heterogeneity allows to assume different degree of stability to toxicant influence. In the given work chronic influence of natural gas from Astrakhan deposit on free-radical processes in different departments of central nervous system at males and females of white rats of two age groups is studied. Positive influence of antioxidants α-tocopherol and emoxipine on studied indicators in the conditions of chronic influence of sulphur-containing gas from Astrakhan deposit is shown.


Free radicals, brain, lipids peroxidation, proteins oxidising modification, antioxidants

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IDR: 148100715

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