Electrocardiographic manifеstation of the myocardial dispersion of repolarization: interval Tpeak-Tend under experimental coronary occlusion and reperfusion

Автор: Bernikova О.G., Sedova K.A., Azarov Ya.E., Оvechkin А.О., Shmakov D.N.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (7), 2011 года.

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The heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization is essential for the T wave development on the ECG and for the genesis of fatal ventricular arrhythmias. Current study showed that the global, apicobasal, borderline dispersion increased significantly while transmural dispersion of repolarization duration and end of repolarization time in the ischemic zone did not demonstrate any differences under experimental coronary occlusion and reperfusion; dispersion of end of repolarization time is the better predictor of arrhythmogenesis than dispersion of repolarization duration; the global dispersion of repolarization had the greatest influence on the Tpeak-Tend interval changes compared to local transmural and borderline dispersions of repolarization.


Dispersion of repolarization, ischemia, reperfusion, ventricular fibrillation, интервал tpeak-tеnd, interval tpeak-tеnd, arrhythmogenesis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14992468

IDR: 14992468

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