Electronic portfolio of the cadet of the military academy: features of formation and order of use

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The article describes the problematic issues of the content and use of the electronic portfolio of a cadet as one of the tools for assessing the formation of students’ competencies. The functional purpose of the portfolio is revealed. The need for the development and approval of a special provision or standard of an educational organization on the student's portfolio has been established. The basic structure of electronic portfolio information according to GOST R 57720-2017 «Information and communication technologies in education is presented. The information structure of the electronic portfolio is basic.» The role of the portfolio in the assessment of educational and professional activities of students, selfassessment and self-development is described.


Certification, competence, cadet, student, electronic portfolio

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321550

IDR: 148321550   |   DOI: 10.25586/RNU.V9187.21.01.P.087

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