Emotional expression in music: the role of song in the expression and formation of emotions

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The article examines the influence of various conditions and restrictions on singing in the choir. Singing is subject to a variety of factors, such as the time of performance, location, style, skill of the singer, the structure of polyphonic parts and the interaction between vocalists. Each voice in the choir plays its own unique role, which cannot be changed during the performance. The article describes the features of bass, contralto and falsetto, their unique characteristics and requirements. The author pays attention to the polyphonic structure of the choir and its homo rhythmicity, as well as the interaction of voices in harmony. Also, within the framework of the article, the author expresses an opinion on the degree of freedom and individuality of each singer, emphasizing the need to observe harmony and structure in the performance of choral works.


Vocalist, voice, choir, singer, preparation, bass

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205327

IDR: 170205327   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-6-127-130

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