Endogenous factor and morphogenetic structure of soils in the zone affected by Kuchiger gidroterms (Baikal rift zone, north of the Barguzin basin)

Автор: Ubugunov Vasily L., Khitrov Nikolay B., Ubugunova Vera I., Zhambalova Anna D., Rupyshev Yuriy A., Ayushina Tuyana A., Paramonova Alesya E., Tsyrempilov Enkhe G., Nasatueva Tsympilma N.

Журнал: Природа Внутренней Азии @nature-inner-asia

Рубрика: Байкальский регион, Россия

Статья в выпуске: 4 (9), 2018 года.

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Soil cover in the zones of tectonic faults and thermal water discharge of the north of Barguzin basin there is characterized by extremely high dynamics of formation. Ascending gas-hydrothermal fluids cause changes of surface (bumps, small mounds, ridges, wave-like uplifts), soil profile turbation with a contrasting combination of pH and particle size distribution, salinization. In all soil sections there are morphological formations in the form of impregnated (bitumen-rich) layers, interlayers, spots, vertical or horizontal stripes. The most lithified horizons are viscoelastic, viscous. When wet, they have a black color (Gley1 2.5 / N), sticky, highly plastic consistency close to the plasticine, when dried very dense. A significant restructuring of the morphological characteristics allows us to to identify untypical for background soils impregnated, turbocharged subtypes of alluvial soils.


Soil, gas-hydrothermal fluids, baikal rift zone, impregnated morphon

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318014

IDR: 148318014   |   DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2018-4-54-72

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