Epistolary form in the work of Ch. Aytmatov

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The article analyzes the epistolary form in the work of Ch. Aitmatov. After all, the writer skillfully used the epistolary form in his work and managed to set several tasks for her. In the works of the author “The Mother Field”, “The First Teacher”, an epistolary form is used, through which the image of the characters is revealed, the plot develops, the image of the depicted epoch is reflected, questions are raised that deeply concern the author. The author was able to solve the main points through letters. As a result, the epistolary form in the work of Ch. Aitmatova enhanced the artistic properties of his short stories and novellas, gave them a special beauty, and was able to fulfill the specific tasks of his works. Thus, the epistolary form in the work of Ch. Aitmatov performs cognitive-expressive, artistic-aesthetic, informative and emotionally expressive functions.


Epistolary form, maisalbek's letter, altynai's letter, writing function, discursive mode, artistic method, artistic means, image system

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203212

IDR: 170203212   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-34-38

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