Epizootic situation in some infectious illnesses of animals in the Republic of Tuva

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The results of study epizootic of conditions on the Siberian ulcer, tuberculosis and rabies of animals in the Republic of Tuva since 1933 are submitted. The studies are carried out in FSB "TuvaRISA" during 2011-2014. According to " the Methodical instructions on epizootic to research" on the basis of the given materials of the veterinary reporting of a Service on veterinary supervision of the Republic of Tuva, veterinary lots, stations, laboratories, using retrospective, rather-geographical and epizootic of the analysis, method of statistical processing. At the analysis epizootic of a situation on the Siberian ulcer is established, that the Republic of Tuva is permanently unsuccessful territory of Russian Federation on the Siberian ulcer. From 515 occupied items available in republic, in the period with 1933 for 2001 the Siberian ulcer of animals is registered in 195 unsuccessful items, the parameter of trouble of the central natural-economic zone makes 71,2 %, southern zone - 69,3 %. As a result of realization of the retrospective analysis epizootic of a situation on a tuberculosis of large homed cattle is established, that for the period 1975 for 2001 the tuberculosis of large homed cattle was marked in 20 unsuccessful items (with annual repetitions 58), in 17 facilities 7 areas basically in public meat and dairy facilities and complexes. Most unsuccessful are central (17,8 %) and western (15,8 %) zone, in east zone the tuberculosis of large homed cattle was not registered. The cases of rabies agricultural, home and wild carnivorous animals in the territory of the Republic of Tuva after a 10-year's break are annually registered since 2007 in steppe and semi-desert areas UVS Nuurand Tuva hollows, it are marked natural and urban types. The sharp morbidity growth is marked in 2008: there were 39 cases in 17 unsuccessful items. The decrease incidence was reached by reduction of number and oral vaccination wild carnivorous, catching of stray domestic animals.


Republic of tuva, epizootic analysis, agricultural animals, siberian ulcer, tuberculosis, rabies, trouble, incidence

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084072

IDR: 14084072

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