Aesthetic bases of the urban planning structure of Slavy square in Samara

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In the article the issues related to the establishment and subsequent development of Slavy Square in the city of Samara are considered. The peculiarities of aesthetic expressiveness, compositional concepts and planning are revealed. The prevailing trends with the use of specific art means as a form of complex synthetic spatial art are noted. The planning structure of the studied square with due consideration of territory zoning and the subsequent changes in the interpretation of the memorial complex is investigated. The composite scale as means of harmonization which is subordinated, first of all, to disclosure of the art idea is considered. In the article the significant compositional concepts which have become the basis of art and figurative system creation are also analyzed. The issues relating to such concept as means of harmonization for expression of composite form stability degree at a combination of utilitarian and ideological and art tasks are analyzed.


Aesthetic perception, spatial structure, means of harmonization, compositional balance, artistic-imagery system, composite scale

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ID: 148102582
