Ethnodemographic characteristic of indigenous people of the Lebedsky volost’ of the Biysk district according to the All-Russian agricultural census of 1917

Бесплатный доступ

Article is based on materials to the All-Russian agricultural census of 1917. On the example of the Lebedsky volost’ of the Biysk district the authors tried to show possibility of materials of census at the ethnodemographic characteristic of indigenous people. The first part of article is devoted to the ethnic description of the region. The authors note pluralism of identity which directly depended on intensity of ethno-cultural contacts of the indigenous and alien people. In small mono-ethnic settlements the population used the name «seok». In large settlements used name higher taxonomical level (for example, «Kumandints», «Altaians» etc.). In the second block the detailed demographic characteristic of indigenous people is given. The authors analyze gender and age structure, family structure, a marriage, etc. people of the Lebedsky volost’. In the demographic plan the indigenous people shows stability and development. The authors reconstructed type of a difficult family which consisted of parents (or one of parents), the married son or sons with children and relatives. Traditionally for indigenous community families with difficult structure that was explained by maintaining complex economy were characteristic. Change of a sociocultural context promoted transition to a simple family.


Altai, indigenous small people, tubalars, all-russian agricultural census of 1917, self-identification, ethnodemographic characteristic, kumandints, chelkans

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147218904

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