Ethno-cultural aspect of the research of the Bulgarian narrative

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The aim of the article is to analyze the influence of the ethnic factor on the social and cultural specificity of verbal behavior on the example of the analysis of the Bulgarian narrative. In this article the author refers to ethnic culture, ethnic identity and self-identity, reveals the role and place of the language in the process of ethnogenesis, describes the nature and specificity of the influence of ethno-cultural characteristics on the individual’s verbal behavior, and analyzes the specifics of narrative activity of the individual as well. This paper summarizes some aspects of ethno-cultural and social characteristics of the Bulgarians, defines and explains the key cognitive areas inherent to Bulgarian mentality. As a result of the analysis, the author determines the orientation of informants on the selected key cognitive areas, typical for Bulgarian mentality. It is determined that the denoted peculiarities of the Bulgarian mentality are manifested and remain unchanged despite the language code choice and it indicates the fact that the ethnic mentality and the linguistic view of the world of people belonging to the same ethno-cultural community, but speaking different languages, remains similar in its main outlines.


Mentality, narrative, linguistic world-image (linguistic view of the world), key words

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IDR: 144161157

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