Ethnic and culturological approach in Buryat language teaching

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The article deals with the ethnic and culturological approach in Buryat language teaching, in particular comprehension of national culture through the language. The Buryat language is voluntary in republic general education, but there is a problem of its studying at schools as an official language. Under the law the status of Buryat as an official language doesn't guarantee its inclusion in educational process. Acquirement of people’s spiritual values and culture is inextricably linked with learning language as a means of national culture expression and reflection. The national culture has a great social and pedagogical potential, which is not completely in demand. In the article we showed the necessity of ethnic and cultural supply for lessons with help of special didactic material. The most effective method of fostering ethnic consciousness is use of special texts containing knowledge about traditions, customs, folklore, symbols, arts and crafts of the Buryat people.


The ethnic and cultural approach, native language, national culture, worldview

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148183333   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-1-99-106

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