Ethnosocial identity of a person as a potential for dialectical and typological consolidation of society

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The article is aimed at identifying the potential of a person's ethnic identity as a factor of society integration in socio-philosophical terms. The novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of manifesting the essential properties of an individual in the conceptual dimention “type of multinational society - social dialectics - typology of ethnosocial personality”. We have objectified the significance of dialectical and typological discourse of the ethnic potential of the individual as a sociocultural way of consolidating modern society from the perspective of social methodology. The study focuses on the cognitive unity of social subject's mental components in the construct: “objective reality - a conscious image of ethnonational reality - a mental image of a person's ethnic thinking - a mental form of ethnically socialized personal activity - practice”. We define ethnosocial identity as a special form of homogeneous cultural awareness of social and natural reality by a person and his place in it, based on his ideological values, spiritual and moral ideals, historical experience, national and religious self-identification and continuity of cultural and everyday life ideals, traditions, norms. The determinative process of interrelations between social existence and social consciousness is aimed at developing the ethnosocial component of the activity of a socialized individual. We get into specifics of the meaning-making concept model of spiritual and patriotic continuity of generations, oriented towards the dialectical and typological consolidation of society. Particular attention is paid to the issues of state ideology, forms of consolidation of social groups in line with the fundamental development of the culture of interethnic communication and multiethnic interaction based on the dialectical unity of the typology of ethnosocial person and the type of multinational society.


Person, society, dialectics, ethnic identity, sociality, consolidation, potential

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148330164   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-3-19-29

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