Evolution of Research Approaches in the Study of Society and the Human Being
Автор: Ravochkin Nikita Nikolaevich
Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial
Статья в выпуске: 21 (23), 2024 года.
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This article is devoted to comprehension of the development of research approaches used for fundamental disclosure of social science and anthropological problems. The relevance and significance of the topic of detailed study of methodological attitudes for modern social philosophy is substantiated. The eternal antagonists - materialistic and idealistic positions are considered. The contribution of classical and modern researchers in theorizing about the formation of conceptual approaches applicable to the stated subject field is noted. The transformation of theoretical and methodological tools is traced taking into account the pragmatic turn. On the analysis of modern forms of being of man and society attention is drawn to the idea of evolutionism, which is correlated with the successful adaptation of subjects to the actual realities of life activity. It is shown that materialistic concepts fix their attention on human corporeality, while idealistic ones focus on spirituality. The connection between the two concepts is traced. The high role of the dominance of the postmodern paradigm in the study of social phenomena is emphasized. The essential characteristics contributing to the modern understanding of society and man are given. In line with the pragmatics of modern socio-philosophical works, the directions of increasing the efficiency of global development through new agents, one of which is the creative industries, are taken into account. In conclusion, the main results of the research are summarized, acting as a starting point for the future formation of research approaches and attitudes.
Society, human, research approach, globalization, intelligence, modernity, transformation
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14130057
IDR: 14130057 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10869846