Развитие компетенций. Рубрика в журнале - Поволжский педагогический поиск

Communicative and speech competences: its development using literature for children
Статья научная
The work on the formation of communicative competence of pupils requires from the primary school teacher an active position in relation to the sources that daily influence the process of forming the speech of children. The relevance of the study of the methodological potential of additional literature is due to the increase in the passivity of parents in the development of the speech and communication skills of children. Formation of an active and critical attitude of students to additional literature, the importance of their freedom in choosing texts to read as the goal of the educational process is not fully studied in Pedagogical Sciences.Work with additional (extra-curricular) sources of reading and its introduction as a methodological technology at school is not determined by state educational standards and largely depends on the initiative and personality of a teacher. It is necessary to develop a system of actions on which teachers could rely in their daily work to build the communicative competence of students.

Is communication speech competence formed during primary school education?
Статья научная
This study aims to present and analyze the information provided by teachers. The issue is the development of communication speech competence within primary school education. Questionnaire was used as a diagnostic tool. Based on the experience gained, it can be stated that teachers should be able to clearly evaluate the interference of the language at the basic level of communicative speech competence, which will further help to consider the level of complexity of educational content for students.