Статьи журнала - Поволжский педагогический поиск
Все статьи: 966

"Педагогика осознанности" в эпоху "сознательного капитализма"
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Автор обращает внимание читателей на ключевую идею современного бизнеса и наук об управлении - осознанность и показывает, что адаптация этой идеи системой российского образования и педагогикой может принести большую пользу стране в целом, повысить уровень социального доверия, сделать преподавателей и обучающихся счастливее.

"Электронная информационно-образовательная среда" в вузах: правовые и практические аспекты
Статья научная
На основании регулирующих систему образования нормативных документов автор доказывает, что обязанность создания электронной информационно-образовательной среды производна от используемой в образовательном учреждении формы обучения, что только в том случае, если эта форма исключительно дистанционная, ЭИОС должна присутствовать. Разработчики ФГОС «поколения 3+», обязав все без исключения вузы иметь ЭИОС независимо от форм обучения, допустили ошибку, вводящую подчинённые Министерству образования и науки вузы в ненужные государству, непродуктивные расходы. Наиболее целесообразным вариантом электронного документооборота в вузе автор считает программный пакет MS Office под академической лицензией или Apache OpenOffice со свободной лицензией.

Статья научная
В статье рассматриваются роль и место электронных образовательных ресурсов, электронных образовательных систем, информационных технологий в процессе обучения. Обсуждаются вопросы педагогического обеспечения процессов самостоятельного образования студентов Вуза в условиях «электронного» обучения. Автор доказывает, что широкое использование Интернета в образовательной среде в качестве средства обучения превращает «всемирную паутину» в полезную образовательную площадку.

A research on the autonomous learning mode of college English
Статья научная
Since the promulgation of College English Curriculum Requirements (for trial implementation), many colleges and universities in China have carried out a series of reforms in building up students’ autonomous learning mode by using modern educational technologies. During the new period, autonomous learning becomes increasingly important and is considered to be a necessary skill for college English learning. Limited class hours, abundant after-class hours and rich learning resources have provided a basis for college students’ autonomous learning. Thus, college English teachers should continuously put great efforts in cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability.

The author notes the main advantages of the work by Anna Klim-Klimaszewska, academic teacher at the Institute of Education at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, head of the Department of Teacher Education Teacher Education. The main advantages of the Polish scholar’s work are the classification of pedagogi-cal innovations, mentioning the topic of pedagogical innovations to a problem level, clarifying the theoretical background of educational work in traditional and author classes, developing a methodology for researching innovations in author classes, a comparative analysis of the main elements of the didactic system in traditional and authorial classes, new proposals for the verification of the results of training and edu-cation in authorial and traditional classes.

Communicative and speech competences: its development using literature for children
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The work on the formation of communicative competence of pupils requires from the primary school teacher an active position in relation to the sources that daily influence the process of forming the speech of children. The relevance of the study of the methodological potential of additional literature is due to the increase in the passivity of parents in the development of the speech and communication skills of children. Formation of an active and critical attitude of students to additional literature, the importance of their freedom in choosing texts to read as the goal of the educational process is not fully studied in Pedagogical Sciences.Work with additional (extra-curricular) sources of reading and its introduction as a methodological technology at school is not determined by state educational standards and largely depends on the initiative and personality of a teacher. It is necessary to develop a system of actions on which teachers could rely in their daily work to build the communicative competence of students.

Is communication speech competence formed during primary school education?
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This study aims to present and analyze the information provided by teachers. The issue is the development of communication speech competence within primary school education. Questionnaire was used as a diagnostic tool. Based on the experience gained, it can be stated that teachers should be able to clearly evaluate the interference of the language at the basic level of communicative speech competence, which will further help to consider the level of complexity of educational content for students.

Level of language competences formation: developing primary literacy in the first grade
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1. The studies were financed from the target finds granted from the state budget of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski for scientific research in 2017 under the project entitled: «Level of Language Competence Formation in Students at the Initial Stage of Primary Education», Supervisor: Prof. Neli Ivanova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences The article presents the results of a research on the level of language competencies formation in the period of initial literacy in the first grade. The toolkit includes two didactic tests that prove the expected expected results laid down as knowledge, skills and attitudes in the Bulgarian language and literature curriculum for the first grade.The tests were designed, tested and conducted among 505 students from 23 schools on the territory of Bulgaria. The comparative analysis of the results of the children tested was executed according to the following three criteria: 1.) by district; 2.) by type of settlement; 3.) depending on whether the students are taught in the conditions of a monocultural or multicultural environment.

Mathematical activity as one of the most important aims of mathematical education
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The article considers defining mathematical activity as the relevant issue of science. Taking into consideration the fact that mathematics, just like the mother tongue, is taught from the time of birth, the author provides the tabulate showing the child's fundamental achievements at the early phases of the development of his arithmetical skills, which provides the consecutive stages of the child's education in a chronological way and shows the way how he gains his skills. Mathematical activity, being the activity of the mind typical of the mathematician, is one of the most important aims of mathematical education. It should be underlined that learning mathematics is the organized activity which covers: taking over and assimilating information obtained from various sources, using the information directly, creating subjectively new for the learner elements of knowledge, subjectively new concepts, statements and methods while solving problems formulated by others or the learner himself. The author's attention is focused on the issue of projects, which are usually worked out by a small group of children from a class, sometimes it is the whole class and sometimes an individual child. The fundamental feature of a project is its research character and in addition research actions should be intentionally focused on finding the answer to the question given regarding the topic. On the basis of scientific literature and some scientific experience it can be stated that the task can be defined as an educational project only if it has a research character, it includes various areas of education, research activeness is focused on asking questions by children themselves and trying to find the answer on their own, it initiates unaided making decisions concerning types of executed tasks and types of organized episodes, it engages children practically, intellectually and emotionally, it creates the possibility for developing the interests of ‘the researchers', actions taken provide intellectual vigour, children have their influence on choosing the topic and they accept the project aims, children work together or in groups, children are familiar with deadlines of the task execution, it involves with its rage outdoor activities even in initial stages, it integrates educational institution with a child's home and local environment, the participants are familiar with the rules of assessment, all of the research group members know the ways of presenting their work. The project structure can be divided into five stages: initiating of the project (choosing the topic), working out the plan of the project, carrying out the project (taking up the research activeness), finishing the project and assessing it. This may be regarded as a great mathematical activity when correctly introduced into educational process.

Methods developing creative activity of nursery school children
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The article discusses the relevant methods of developing creative activity of nursery school children. The prominent place amongst those methods is occupied with the ones particularly developing creative activity, because the main element deciding of maximizing the child's developmental chances is its creative activity. While working with children a teacher should use the methods connected with the child's free and spontaneous actions that can release their creative activity. Those methods include: the project method, constructing board games, Celestyn Freinet's techniques. The project method including the following structural elements: aims and ways of their realization, deadlines for particular stages of the project and for the whole project, specific executors and receivers, is done with the use of some resources and has a specific way of measuring the fact to what extent the aim was achieved. The essence of the project method is determined by the children's self-reliant work as the children gain their knowledge while searching for the answers to some questions or through the research activity. Nursery school children may carry out two types of educational projects. Firstly, the research project, which depends on collecting and systematizing information about some particular issues and as a result of that there may come into being such products as albums, interviews or drawings. Secondly, the project of local operations relies on taking some actions in the local environment. The project's realization is designed according to the following stages: establishing the project's topic, establishing the range of the project, carrying out the project, presenting the project, summing up the project. While working with nursery school children a big role is devoted to constructing board games by the children themselves, which contributes to engaging their creative potential and broadening their mental possibilities. Constructing games may be linked with various kinds of education as by selecting games teachers can make different situations more mathematical, can teach coding and decoding, using various symbols or creating your own ones. The way of constructing all the board games is similar and requires: drawing the route of the race, which is a properly long path, measuring the right size of tiles and setting the place for the start and finishing line, as well as establishing who is going to race, thinking of some traps and bonuses and marking them clearly on the route of the race. In the educational and teaching work of the nursery school, in order to release productive activeness in children, teachers may use some of the Freinet's techniques such as artistic expression, classroom bulletin, correspondence, issue portfolios, thematic albums, selfprepared staging, interviews, searching experiences, planning classroom work weekly together with children, summing up which of the planned works were done, etc. The aim of leading classes according to Celestyn Freinet's techniques relies on the fact that a child does undertakings individually on the basis of assumptions established before, while children's activeness is steered so that they could find the answers to questions asked by themselves or by their teacher and solve the problems connected with the subject. It should be underlined that in order to create appropriate conditions for the children's creation, in each nursery school classroom there ought to be separate corners for various techniques and actions. The article provides the information considering that there should be the adequate amount of useful materials and tools so that all of the children could have everything they need to stimulate their creative activeness.

On general education for medical students
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This paper introduced the history and the current situation of general education in the world and it shows the great importance of general education for medical students. It also discussed the principles and plans on the construction of general education for medical students. In order to meet the demands of the globalization and foster talents of comprehensive development, general education should be reinforced. Especially, the emphasis should be laid upon the cultivation of medical students’ personality through general education.

XV Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья»
Резюме. XV Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья» (г. Арзамас, 13-16 сентября 2016 г.) посвящена исследованию онимического фрагмента русской региональной языковой картины мира, ономастики Поволжского региона, обширных территорий Европейской части России, традиционно являющихся зоной этнических контактов. Впервые эта конференция была проведена в 1967 г. в Ульяновске, организатором ее стал известный отечественный ономатолог В. А. Никонов. Будучи одной их эффективных форм ознакомления научного сообщества с результатами изучения региональной онимии, данная конференция является традиционным научным мероприятием, получившим широкую известность и признание, в том числе за пределами России. В работе конференции приняли участие более ста сорока ученых из разных городов России и ряда зарубежных стран.

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В статье на основе письменных и устных источников впервые рассматривается история православной церкви старинного приволжского села Старая Грязнуха (Волжское).

«В час жаркого весеннего заката » (поэтика зачина романа М. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита»)
Статья научная
В статье представлены к рассмотрению вопросы, связанные с особенностями поэтики зачина романа М. А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита». Исследование строится на основе сопоставления редакций романа разных лет

«Дело» маршала Тухачевского: взгляд историка и правоведа
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Статья посвящена одному из аспектов сфабрикованного И.В. Сталиным «дела антисоветской троцкистской военной организации». В результате погибли выдающиеся военачальники -М.Н. Тухачевский, И.П. Уборевич, И.Э. Якир, А.И. Корк и другие. Последовавшие затем репрессии в РККА унесли жизни тысяч смелых, талантливых и преданных делу социализма советских военнослужащих.

«Клуб общения товарищей» в начальной школе
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В статье автор представляет свое видение организации внеклассной воспитательной работы и делится опытом реализации методики «КОТ» - клуб общения товарищей (автор В.Р. Ясницкая), в процессе её адаптации к особенностям начальной школы.

Статья научная
В статье содержится детальный анализ взглядов одного из лидеров российского меньшевизма А.Н. Потресова и его единомышленников из числа «оборонцев» на вопрос о возможных последствиях победы представителей обеих враждовавших в ходе Первой мировой войны коалиций для интересов России и Европы.

Статья научная
Статья раскрывает попытку секретного сотрудника Симбирского ГЖУ обмануть начальника управления и представить ему фальшивый отчет о несуществующей конференции РСДРП. Указывается, что положение симбирских социал-демократов представлено верно, и эти данные можно использовать в научном обороте.

«От Рязани - до Иркутска» (земский статистик Л. С. Личков)
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В статье рассматривается жизненный путь известного земского статистика Л.С. Личкова. Он организовал статистические работы в Саратовской губернии, исследовал крестьянские хозяйства Рязанской и Иркутской губерний. Л.С. Личков являлся убеждённым сторонником крестьянской общины, считая, что она и в условиях капитализма может продуктивно функционировать. Автор статьи приходит к выводу, что Л.С. Личков свои наиболее значительные труды по статистике сделал в Саратовской губернии.

«Понимающий взгляд, освященный надеждой»: эссе по философии истории
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Автор статьи совершает первое приближение к вопросу о том, как отражаются в общественных практиках те или иные способы обращения с историей, те или иные стереотипы её восприятия. Анализируются сформировавшиеся за последнее время резко различные способы общественных и личных «взаимоотношений» с историей, при этом определяются оригинальные критерии их различения. Читателю предложено рассмотреть аргументы в поддержку мысли автора о понимающем взгляде на историю, когда допускается принципиальное многообразие её трактовок, «освещённое надеждой в отношениях к будущему».