On the сharacteristics of the museum chronicler

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The article is devoted to the characteristics of one of the most important monuments of the Russian chronicle tradition of the 15th century - Museum Chronicler. For many years, this text caused discussion in Russian historiography. Some researchers believe that it reflected the oldest edition of the Vologda-Perm Chronicles, others think that the work presents one of the stages of Moscow Grand Duke chronicle writing. The examining of the composition of the Museum Chronicler resulted in the conclusion that both concepts are wrong. In fact, the monument was based on the early edition of the Vologda-Perm Chronicles. However, the text of the latter was significantly changed. The Museum Chronicler is a complex of passages that are not chronologically ordered, but united by a common theme of transformation of Moscow Principality into the center of the Russian lands and worldwide Orthodoxy. It is very probable that the Museum Chronicler could be a preparation for creating a larger historical work. The hypothesis is put forward that this work could be a chronograph containing information on the Russian history like the Chronograph of 1512.


Museum chronicler, chronicles, chronograph, manuscripts, grand principality of moscow, kirillo-belozersky monastery

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305480

IDR: 140305480   |   DOI: 10.47132/1814-5574_2024_1_263

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