To the introduction of Nepeta L. plant species (fam. Lamiaceae) in Central Yacutia

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Because of essential oils, aromatic plants are widely used in various industries, including cosmetics, perfumery, pharmaceutical, food industry. Of great value are essential oil crops from the family Lamiaceae Lindl., to which the genus Nepeta L. - catnip belongs. The paper presents the results of primary introduction studies of plants of Nepeta genus in central Yakutia. The plants were tested for winter hardiness, fruiting intensity, methods of reproduction, resistance to diseases and pests under extreme climatic conditions. According to the results of the study the indicators of introduction resistance of Nepeta species in Central Yakutia in open ground conditions varied within fairly wide range. N. sibirica - Siberian catnip having high winter hardiness, active vegetative growth, blossom and produce fruit with viable seeds. N. grandiflora and N. mussinii bloom and produce fruit each year, they resistant to diseases and pests, form high-quality seeds and demonstrate dense self-sowing...


Род nepeta l, nepeta l. genus, spicy aromatic plants, winter hardiness, seasonal development, seed production, seed quality, introduction perspectivity

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IDR: 140245564

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