To studying of political history of the Russian Anti-Bolshevik emigration (Antropov O. K. The Russian emigration in search of political association (1921-1939). Astrakhan, 2008. - 326 p.)

Автор: Antonenko Natalya

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: У книжной полки

Статья в выпуске: 27, 2011 года.

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The article analyzes the monograph by O.K. Antropov “The Russian emigration in search of political association (1921–1939)” (Astrakhan, 2008) based on modern approaches to studying the history of Russian Anti-Bolshevik immigration. It is noted that the monograph comprehensively creates associations between various political forces of Russians abroad. It also highlights the major factors influencing the unifying process such as the activity of political leaders, working out and propagation of ideological doctrines, the competition between parties and organizations, and the active struggle against the Bolshevik power in Russia and «world communism».


O. antropov, historiography, russian anti-bolshevik emigration, political straggle, political organization

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IDR: 14913562

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