To the practical application of the results of anthropometric research and their prospects
Автор: Sakibaev Kyialbek Sherikbaevich, Grichanova Tatyana Gennad’evna, Suiunov Kylychbek Niymatzhanovich, Berkmamatov Shamirbek Toktosunovich, Meshtel Alexander Vitalievich, Chyrmashova Burmakan, Ashimova Rakhat Asilbekovna
Журнал: Re-health journal.
Статья в выпуске: 1 (25), 2025 года.
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Increasing the role of scientific research and turning the scientific potential of universities into one of the main resources for sustainable economic growth is a basic task for the education system in the Kyrgyz Republic. The purpose of introducing the results of scientific research (R&D) into the educational process is to ensure the integration of research and learning activities. The successful use of research results in the educational process contributes to the development of general professional competencies for students, increases the connection of fundamental disciplines of biomedical and general clinical blocks. The expediency of practical applications in the form of the application of anthropometric techniques in the clinic is undeniable. The effectiveness of preventive measures is determined by the use of a system of target indicators and indicators reflecting strategic priorities aimed at strengthening and preserving health, taking into account a comprehensive assessment of individual typological characteristics of physical development of people of different ages. A comprehensive assessment of the physical development and constitutional and typological features of the studied population in conditions of norm and pathology can be used with all grounds for a personalized approach when creating appropriate preventive and therapeutic diagnostic programs.
Scientific activity, physical development, comprehensive assessment, somatotype, educational process, implementation in practice, obesity
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 14131679