Quantitative regulation in heat supply systems

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The quantitative regulation of the heat supply process has a number of significant advantages and is widely used abroad. This method of regulation is also used in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the algorithmization of quantitative regulation is currently still quite problematic and requires further development. For example, the literature data on the algorithm proposed by E.Ya. Sokolov are characterized by the “omission” of the procedures of inference and justification, which is particularly undesirable for educational applications. In addition, the algorithm does not work across the entire range of thermal loads (outside temperatures). Purpose of the study. To develop an algorithm for quantitative regulation in terms of its subsequent use as part of the algorithmic support of an automated control system (ACS) for heat supply.


Heat supply, coolant consumption, automated control systems, equivalent heater, quantitative regulation, heating load, heat losses, algorithmic support

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147243259

IDR: 147243259   |   DOI: 10.14529/build240107

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