To the question on the reliability of the market price of the action for the assessment purposes

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The authors consider the issues of the interchangeability of the market price and the market value of the share. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that market value is applied when there is no market price, but when the market price and market value coexist, each can be a criterion for the reliability of the other, depending on the way they are formed. It is concluded that the reliability of the market price of a share depends on the characteristics of the relevant market, but the evaluator always has a «solution space» within which his subjective approaches to assessing the market value of a share can be based on its market price.


Calculation of the market value of a share, the true market price of a share, the forecasted price of a share, the concept of a theoretical price, the trade form of the existence of the market value of a share, the sale of a share as capital


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IDR: 170172279

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