To the issue of the formation of constitutional legal consciousness of the Russian society

Бесплатный доступ

Over a long period, one of the most important tasks of the Russian state continues to be the creation of a highly efficient mechanism of legal regulation of social relations in the state, first off involving citizens’ ability to use legal means in their daily life in a civilized way. A prerequisite for the formation of this skill is the awareness of the creative potential of the Basic Law of the country and a full implementation of the basic legal tenets laid down in the text of the Constitution, that is, the fact that citizens have a highly developed constitutional legal consciousness. In this connection, special importance is attached to the questions of a strong influence of the Constitution on the formation of constitutional legal consciousness of the Russian people, the place and role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the process of the formation of the Russian state in current reality. The author focuses on the dominant role of constitutional legal consciousness that influences the process of legal thinking and interpretation of the Constitution and current Russian laws. The reasons impeding a high level of constitutional legal consciousness are analyzed. The need to study constitutional legal consciousness is explained. The idea of forming constitutional legal consciousness is to penetrate deeply into civil legal consciousness, to ensure it by scientific and theoretical, ideological, political and legal capacity of the Russian Constitution. In the process of the formation of a sufficient level of constitutional legal consciousness, it is necessary to be mindful of the need to popularize legal knowledge among the Russian population.


Constitution of rf, constitutional provisions, legal thinking, interpretation of the constitution, constitutional principles and ideas

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IDR: 142232733

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