On the question of some problems of the terminological apparatus of forensic tactics

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Introduction. The article examines the issues of the emergence, formation and development of forensic tactics, as a branch of criminology, through the prism of terminological aspects. In particular, the objects of the study are some controversial and ambiguous issues regarding the use and use, both in theory and in practice, of some key terms - important components of the terminological apparatus of forensic tactics as a branch of forensic science. The positions of forensic scientists at different stages of time regarding the content of forensic tactics in the system of forensic knowledge are considered. Special attention is paid to the terminology of investigative tactics. Using the example of the production of some investigative actions, the author discusses the correctness of the use of the term "tactics" and its derivative terminological constructions.


Terminology, forensic tactics, investigator, tactics of investigative actions, organization and preparation of investigative actions, technology of investigative actions

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143183549

IDR: 143183549   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.12.38.019

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