To the problem of the patriotic content of the church periodicals of the Urals

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Axiosphere of media products is the key point in the study of efficiency of modern religious media, determination of their place in the general journalistic system of Russia. Focusing on the formation of certain values of church-goers and trying to attract attention of the worldly reader, spectator, listener, Orthodox mass media of the Ural Federal district introduce four semantic axiological components in the conceptual basis of their media. They are love, mercy, family values and patriotism. When speaking about the latter authors try to defend the idea of imperial patriotism, encourage to bring back patriarchal foundations both into the state and into the family constructing the image of enemy. In the texts the concept ‘enemy’ contrasts with the generalized ‘we’ concept. Without trying to conceal techniques of manipulating consciousness authors actively use them in verbal and in non-verbal forms. These techniques are an active use of sign system, appeal to the supposed expert, emotional modeling by means of graphic elements, etc. The material for the analysis is more than one hundred titles of Ural mass media (2010-2013). This period is characterized by the active restoration of the system of the Orthodox mass media in the Ural Federal district, by a number of new religious printed products. The number and variety of media products can introduce vital ethical corrections into the consciousness of residents of the certain Russian region.


Patriotism, church mass media, love for the motherland, patriotic theme, imperial patriotism, image of enemy, emotional modeling, huray-patriotism

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