To the question of reviewing the results of cadastral value of land

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The author examines the practice of land cadastral value contestation on the basis of completed reports on its market value, including in the framework of the operation of commissions on consideration of disputes on the cadastral value of the property. The author considers common errors in reports on market value of land, which justify the need of changing the cadastral value of these objects. In the article it is concluded, that the main area of cadastral valuation of large industrial enterprises land should become formalization of division of land and property complex of industrial enterprise to the land plot and its improvement (building) in the normative document. It is proved that in determination of both market and cadastral value of the built-up land an appraiser must proceed from the type of use of the property complex of the enterprise, and the primary factor, which determines its market value, should become the cost of connection to the engineering and transport infrastructure.


Industrial enterprise, land-property complex, the division of land-property complex, cadastral value of the land, the cost of engineering and transport infrastructure

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170152248

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