On the question of understanding constitutionalism

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The article deals with the methodological problem of the uncertainty of understanding constitutionalism. On the basis of linguistic, cultural-historical and integrative approaches, the concept of constitutionalism as a multicomponent system, including political, psychological, ideological and normative components, defining the state and social system, is formulated. Constitutionalism should be considered in a broad sense, including the concept of government, since democratic values do not exhaust this concept due to the diversity of legal systems and political regimes in the world.

Constitution, constitutionalism, limitation of state power, global constitutionalism, public legal awareness, constitutional values

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207467

IDR: 170207467   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-2-151-154

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