On the concept "ethnofragmentation" in the dynamics of globalization processes

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Numerous researches show that throughout all history two mutually exclusive and complementary planetary tendencies are observed: globalization and fragmentations. Globalization processes wrap political and cultural barriers, but at the same time they direct onto confirmation of local identities and self-determination as the vector of globalization is aimed at deleting of ethnonational essence in general, delegitimation of traditional precepts of law and ethnic values, legal unification, abolition of original legal cultures and borders between legal systems. The author proves that in the course of social evolution equally there is not only unification and standardization of ethnic, but also there is natural counterposition. There is a phenomenal process of differentiation of various civilization structures and elements, relying mainly on ethnicity as one of "rigid" frameworks of self-identification. We observe the strengthening of centrifugal tendency of rejection between separate fragments and societies, dissociation of a number of systems and structures of different level of human activities which acts in the form of ethnofragmentation.


Globalization, fragmentation, ethnicity, ethnonation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233874

IDR: 142233874

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