On the issue of the legal space of the CIS in the era of digitalization

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The article is devoted to current issues of the legal space of the CIS in the era of digitalization. The challenges facing established value systems, the formation of new geopolitical alliances and significant changes in the social structure of society are noted. It is important to emphasize that maintaining long-term ties not only territorial and political-economic, but also spiritual and cultural, is a priority. The researcher proposes the formation of a single digital space for the Commonwealth countries as one of the effective ways to achieve this goal. The work also examines the history of the origins of the noted area. The topic is very relevant at the present time.


Cis, legal space, states, union, digitalization, foreign countries

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203243

IDR: 170203243   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-4-16-18

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