To the issue of the human rights function of the Russian state

Бесплатный доступ

The state's exercise of its human rights function is one of the most acute and pressing problems of the theory and practice of the rule-of-law state. The comprehension of the experience of state legal development of modern Russia requires the introduction of certain adjustments in the theoretical basis of the study of the human rights function of the state. It is necessary to specify the conceptual apparatus, clarify the essence and content of human rights functions of the state as the subject vectors of its activity in the most important spheres of human and social life, expressing the essence of the state and public purpose. A condition for the successful implementation of the human rights function of the state is close interaction between the state and civil society. The state's obligation to protect human and citizen's rights and freedoms encompasses both standard setting and exercise of rights at all its stages and in any forms


Human rights and freedoms, duty, human being, citizen, state functions, rule-of-law state, protection, constitution of the russian federation

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IDR: 142233877

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