On the issue of the process of determinologization of foreign language terms in modern Russian language

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The features of the process of determination of foreign language terms in the modern Russian language are considered. Particular attention is paid to those cases when a foreign language term acquires connotations leading to its going beyond the terminological system and turning it into a part of common vocabulary. To confirm the findings, data on the frequency of use of a particular term in a certain period of time in Russian, provided by the Google Books Ngram service, as well as excerpts from of periodicals issues of various years are presented. It has been established that the process of determinologization of foreign language terms in the modern Russian language occurs as a result of the introduction of new technologies in society. One of the features of the process of determinologization is simplification term semantics the semantics of terms.


Anglicisms, terms, determinologization, prototype, correlate, borrowings

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321631

IDR: 148321631   |   DOI: 10.25586/RNU.V925X.21.02.P.026

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