On the question of the origin of legal convergence: theoretical and legal aspects

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Within the framework of this research work, the peculiarities of the origin of convergence were considered, some theoretical and legal aspects of legal convergence in the context of transnational interaction and the political and legal paradigm were analyzed. The relevance of the subject of ongoing scientific research in this area is determined by the need to improve the institution of legal convergence in order to effectively and rationally resolve legal problems a posteriori in practice. Proper regulation of convergence processes and professional application of forms and methods of legal convergence in the interaction of subjects of international law will be a key element in the creation of transnational interaction. In his work, the author analyzes the peculiarities of the origin of convergence, analyzes some theoretical and legal aspects of legal convergence in the context of transnational interaction and the political and legal paradigm, compares the theoretical and practical sides of this issue.


Interaction of legal systems, the path of convergence, integration of legal processes, peaceful coexistence, legal convergence, presumptio similitudinis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14129523

IDR: 14129523   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_11_15

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