To the question of a risk nature of the annuity agreement

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In the conditions of the reforms of the late twentieth century and the transition to a market economy system there was an urgent need to produce additional institutions and norms of law, which would have been able to regulate new social relations. The annuity agreement could be accepted as a said institution. However, the annuity agreement is not widespread nowadays. The reasons for the lack of proper application of this contract are mainly determined by the existing problems of the institution of annuity itself. The aim of this scientific work is to reveal main characteristics of the annuity agreement, which determine it as a risky contract. The results of the study show that a risk nature of the annuity agreement is determined by the uncertainty of contractual relationship duration, when each party admits and accepts the probability of the fact that one of them will in fact receive less satisfaction than made by them.


Law of obligation, risk, annuity, contract of permanent annuity, contract of life annuity, risk nature

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IDR: 142233867

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