On the question of the welfare state

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This article will consider some issues related to the welfare state. The topic will never lose its relevance, since the Russian Federation adheres to a social policy, which means that the main task of Russia as a social state is to create conditions that ensure a favorable standard of living and free development of a person. The subject of attention also causes controversy without stopping. The final resolution of various disputes may influence the future goals, decisions and tasks taken by politicians in areas that are in close contact with the citizens of the country. The author will analyze the definition of a social state, its principles, international documents on which the foundations of the social system of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are based, as well as federal laws that help to implement the idea of a social state in Russia, since today almost all states have a social orientation. It is emphasized that an important role is assigned to the Constitution as the main source of state law. It is concluded that Russia strives to achieve equality among all its subjects by changing the quality (level) of life of each citizen in a positive direction, which is the main task for any welfare state.


State, welfare state, social protection, social justice, welfare, russian federation, constitution

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170192981

IDR: 170192981

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