On composition of "XIII orationes of Gregory the Theologian"

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Purpose: The earliest collection of St. Gregory Nazianzen’s homilies translated into Slavonic is preserved in only one manuscript of the XI century. It contains thirteen Orationes. There are archaisms in some of the homilies and they were probably translated in IX-X centuries by Cyril and Methodius the Apostles of the slavs and their followers. The object of the article is the investigation of the composition of codex «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian». The selection of the homilies is not usual and no similar Greek codex has been found. The study of the content and the order of the homilies shows, that the differences in the volume and composition of the Slavonic collection «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian» from the Greek collections can be explained, if we consider the goals of the creators of this collection. We need to keep in mind that the Slavonic collection was intended for the Slavs newly converted to Christianity and could be used for missionary purposes. The codex of the XI century containes only those liturgical homilies, which are devoted to main Christian feasts. This observation allows us to assume that the translation of liturgical homilies included in the collection «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian», was performed at the earliest stage of formation of the Slavic Christian texts and was subordinated to the needs of short liturgical rite. (The first Slavic Liturgy was served probably only on Sundays and major holidays, less often than usual liturgical practice.) Since the short liturgical rite was translated first, and supplemented afterwards, it is likely that the liturgical homilies of St. Gregory Nazianzen were also first translated selectively (only those that are consistent with the main Christian holidays) and then this collection was completed. The content of the five unliturgical homilies included in the collection «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian» is devoted to denunciations of paganism (Oration 5th), and against misinterpretation of the doctrines and divisions among Christians and also contains cautions against doing theology without proper education and experience (Orationes 27th, 28th, 2th and 6th). In the collection «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian» one does not find the homilies devoted to the complex questions of dogmatic theology (particularly the doctrine of St. Trinity). Results: Therefore, the unliturgical homilies in the codex of the XI century were obviously specially selected as the most relevant to the needs of missionary education and more accessible for understanding the Slavic reader. The liturgical homilies of this codex correspond with the missionary liturgical practice. Conclusions: To sum up, a collection «XIII Orationes of Gregory the Theologian», apparently, was formed as a missionary collection, which has features of a gradual complication.


St. gregory nazianzen, translation, greek language, homilies, collection, slavonic language

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IDR: 147219665

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