To the question of expert witnesses in criminal procedure of Russia

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Scientific literature pays due attention to the legal nature, procedural status and problems of attracting experts. Nevertheless, most of works were published before the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure came into force, or the questions of implementing special knowledge were considered separately, which does not give the whole idea of it. The above stated facts predetermined the necessity of a detailed legal analysis of the activity of witnesses in criminal procedures of the Russian Federation. It is obligatory to distinguish a separate category of skilled witnesses. A witness, bearing a testimony on the grounds of his/her special knowledge in a definite sphere, cannot be considered a specialist or an expert, even if the witness of a crime is a person, who works as a court expert. The author advances the legislature initiative on improving the Criminal and Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, which will allow introducing this category of people in the legal framework.


Criminal procedure, evidence, witness, expert, expert person, special knowledge, indications, interrogation, judicial examination

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