On technology of manufacturing medieval ritual silverware (based on materials from the Museum of the history and culture of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, IAE SB RAS)

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Purpose. The collection of the Museum of history and culture of peoples of Siberia and Far East at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS has a unique section of ritual objects produced by the Ob Ugrians during Middle Ages. The collection features unique objects made of silver, which allows us to make a conclusion that silver had a sacral meaning for the Khanty and Mansi, and the material itself was closely connected with a complex of cosmological and mythological conceptions. Results. We conducted XRF analysis for a series of silver objects of cult and identified three objects made with the use of a special laborious technology by means of cold hammering from three sheets of silver. Conclusion. The article gives a full description of the objects and describes the semantics of the images presented. We provide the results of element composition of the metal and identify a circle of analogues. The artifacts considered included a metal plate with a solar sign made with gilding, with an engraving around it on the surface of metalwork, a stylized profile of attenuated heads of elks facing each other (the drawing was created later); the second item being a metal plate with a central part in the form of a medallion depicting a horseman who strikes a man lying at the horse’s legs with a spear (it was made by means of engraving on a ready form); and the third item being a platter with the images of an eagle owl standing on the back of a deer and a duck flying up. The plots of the silver items evidently have a cult significance and correspond to some mythological constructs. The unique technology of their three-layer composition is accounted for by mythological conceptions and enhances a sacral significance of the items.


Ural, western siberia, ancient ugrians, silver, cult objects, cold forging method, iconographic plots, x-ray fluorescence analysis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220154

IDR: 147220154   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-7-87-97

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