On the transformation of social and political organization of Mongolian society in the 15 th-16th centuries
Автор: Gombozhapov A.D.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Рубрика: История
Статья в выпуске: 2, 2023 года.
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The article presents an analysis of the major transformations of the Mongolian society in the 15th-16th centuries that followed the fall of the Yuan dynasty and the return of the Great Khan's court and the mass of troops to their historical homeland. It is shown that political and social processes in the conditions of particularism and the weakening of the central government led to the formation of new ethno-political communities, i. e. there was a return from the principles of military-administrative structure to the organization of society with strong principles of tribal identity.
Mongolia, transformation, polity, nomadic, society
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148327289
IDR: 148327289 | DOI: 10.18101/2949-1657-2023-2-81-90