About pietism influence to the formation of transcendental turn in I. Kant's "critique" philosophy

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The author tries to adhere to the concept of anthropological turns, it means that Western European thought constantly performed «turns», changing the intentions of themselves interests from metaphysics of general to metaphysic of quotient. Are concretized that under the general metaphysics author means intention of human mind are interested in questions about being, cosmos, God within philosophy. In the other side, interest tides up with questions of human being without objective universe existence. In the present context are learned anthropic intention Western Europe mind. Are explored problem of subject in pietism, by the author, also considering influence of pietism doctrine on trancedental turn in I. Kant’s «critical» philosophy. As for pietism, author posed a question about cognitive problem in Ph.J. Spener’s theology, and in the other side author considered duty category in J. Arndt’s ethic. On this basis, the author suggests that the philosophy of I. Kant is partly the result of the influence of pietism. In the article author try to attempt to reconstruction sociocultural circumstances and proposes that to review transcendental turn and moral law in I. Kant’s philosophy are formed under influence of pietism doctrine.


Pietism, ph.j. spener, i. kant, anthropological turn, anthropocentrism, metaphysics, gnoseology, ethics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147230458

IDR: 147230458

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