On the problem of the meaning of suffix -n- in Korean

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The article describes the structure and markers of the grammatical mood category in modern Korean. The author marks out the meanings of grammar markers and their functional features. The mood markers are included in final endings in Korean. Final endings consist of three slots, addressee honorific, mood and sentence type, so their meanings are closely connected and have reciprocal influence. The indicative mood in Korean is marked. The main attention in the research is put on the conception of indicative mood and especially the functions and meanings of the suffix -nɨ- that is the main marker of indicative mood in Korean. In detail, the author analyses the functioning of the suffix, its main meanings, specific usage of main marker of indicative mood in diachronic aspect. The article includes detailed description of development and changes in meaning among the modal-aspect suffixes in Korean. Also the article differentiates the historical changes, conjunction of the suffix -nɨ- with other grammatical markers and its changes in meaning from the medieval period till nowadays. The author asserts that suffix -nɨ- originates from the medieval marker -ná- that expressed the meaning of such categories as the indica tive mood and the present progressive tense. Indicative mood is defined with reference to reality of the situation and denotes the event when the speaker used to make factual statements, ask questions, or express opinions as if they were facts. In modern Korean indicative mood is expressed with suffixes -n / nɨn, -nɨ or zero affix in different addressee honorific forms. The indicative mood is relevant only to declarative and interrogative types of sentences. The author analyzes the meaning of indicative mood markers included in different grammar forms. The results of research shows that the suffix -nɨ- in modern Korean can express the meaning of the indicative mood (some final endings, admirative forms) and present tense (attributive form). Every language has its own mood system which is historically variable. The grammatical mood conveys the speaker’s attitude to the state of being of what the sentence describes. That is why it is very important to observe its changes to understand the special features of functioning of this markers in the system of modern language. The mood markers in Korean are used in predicative position, as a rule. The meaning of moods in modern Korean can be expressed with suffixes and analytical forms as well. However, one suffix could include several grammar meanings in the medieval Korean (XV-XVI centuries). Tense, aspect, and modality interacted very closely with each other in realization of syntactic and morphological forms. Thus, aspectual, temporal and modal meanings could be expressed in one grammar form. Those suffixes matched with definite final, attributive and conjunctive forms.


Korean, indicative mood, final endings, mood, marker, suffix -nɨ-

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219064

IDR: 147219064

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