On the relevance of knowledge of the basics of documenting torture: in the context of legal education of staff of the internal affairs of Tajikistan

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The article presents an analysis of the normative legal provisions of individual documents of Tajikistan, which consolidate the protective and defence mechanisms to combat torture, which cause irreparable damage to the cause of the said state's advancement along the path of strengthening democracy and social stability. Revealing the importance of timely and high-quality documentation of torture used in individual cases, the author draws attention to the relevance of «arming» the personnel of Tajik internal affairs agencies with basic knowledge in the process of legal education, the correct use of which in practice contributes to the effective counteraction of individual episodes related to criminal violations of human and civil rights.


Law, society, state, torture, violence, internal affairs agencies, tajikistan

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207045

IDR: 170207045   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-5-139-141

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