On the issue of information potential of charcoal from cremations of Kudashevsky I cemetery (3rd-5th centuries)

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The paper analyzes charcoal from the archaeological excavations in the soil section of the Kudashevsky I cemetery (3rd-5th centuries) carried out during several years. The materials come from the graves, grave infill, ritual pits and inter-grave space of the site. The xylotomic analysis found that spruce, pine, alder and aspen predominate in the composition of the charcoal spectra. On the whole, the spectra composition of the charcoal discovered in the graves reflects the composition of the vegetation around the site when it was in operation. At the same time, possible anthropogenic modifications of the vegetation cover around the site when it was in operation are attested by the presence of smallleaved species (aspen, alder and birch tree).


Iii-v вв, кудашевский i могильник

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182432

IDR: 143182432   |   DOI: 10.25681/IA5A6.0130-2620.272.193-207

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