To the question of the effectiveness of the cumulative system of assessing individual achievements of students

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The article describes one of the possible ways to solve the most important problem of modern higher education in Russia - the low motivation of students to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities they need in their future professional activities. According to the author, the implementation of a cumulative system for evaluating individual achievements of students in the educational process can contribute to the solution of this problem. Such an assessment system makes it possible to transform the student's desire to get a high grade into an awareness of the need for conscientious and systematic work throughout the semester, increases the objectivity of the teacher's assessment, improves the quality of training and the level of formation of professional competencies. The paper provides a conditional example of the distribution of points of the current and final control in one semester of studying mathematics by students of construction specialties at the Samara State University of Railways. To identify the students' opinion on the effectiveness of the applied cumulative assessment system, the author developed a questionnaire. The survey was conducted anonymously, 243 people took part in it. The analysis of its results suggests that the majority of respondents (about 70%) recognize the effectiveness of the cumulative evaluation system described in the work.


Evaluation systems, teacher evaluation activity, cumulative evaluation system, point-rating system, questionnaire, ranking

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IDR: 148328579   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-11-16

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