To the question about economic essence of visa center services

Автор: Perezhogina O.N., Matasova A.K.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 12-1, 2022 года.

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The article presents the main results of modern aspects analysis about sectoral market for tourism services. The authors substantiate the urgency of dynamic transforming visa center services in the context of complicated geopolitical and epidemiological situation, and identify limiting factors in the activities of organizations providing services to tourists. The economic essence of visa center services is determined, their classification is carried out in terms of their place in the structure of the service product, and the main parameters of the service process in visa centers are investigated, the content of a complex services is shown. The factors that determine the specifics of customer service in visa centers in modern conditions are summarized. The conclusion is made about the need for a methodological justification of approaches to improving the organizing process in the provision of visa center services. Economic content of the term “visa center service” has been clarified, its structure and features have been defined. A conceptual model of the service product in visa centers has been formed. Particular attention is paid to economic specifics of visa center services, taking into account their consumer properties, a set of distinctive characteristics of visa center services is proposed, the availability of substitutes and complements in the industry market.


Visa center services, classification of services, tourist formalities, visa center, service product concept, service properties

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IDR: 142235965   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2627

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