To the question of delayed consequences of the acute radiation sickness

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Results of tracing the health status of 9 people exposed to acute radiation in the wide range of doses (from 40 to 670 rads) are given. Presented information can say that in 6-11 years no changes in the health status of the exposed will be detected if radiation dose is less than 300 rad. If dose is high changes in blood vessels, sight organs, skin, haematopoietic system, bone tissue. The dose to a specific organ, body site or tissue rather than average radiation dose to a whole body is responsible for the development of delayed changes. The most serious delayed changes were detected in relatively radioresistant tissues. If radiation dose is not very high, reparation is going earlier, recovery is easier and it is more complete in organs and systems with active proliferation system, true recovery is not going in the systems with slow proliferation system.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170169826

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