Learning and research activities of students in orthodox educational institutions

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The paper suggests an optimal option of integrating the students into the learning and research activity. Nowadays, the educational methods and techniques contributing to self-study, independent search for information, ability to produce new knowledge, hypothesize, research, make conclusions, i.e. contributing to research competences of students have become more relevant in the educational process. To ensure self-development and creative work of students, it is necessary to look for new educational forms and methods. After introducing the new Federal State Educational Standards, general schools have solved this goal by organizing learning, research and design activities for students. The scientific level of mastering the historical and social knowledge and their manifestation in their oral and written reports are important because it promotes cultural and civic identity of students and objective assessment of different social groups. The author has developed the methods and techniques of achieving the goals of the educational process by promoting research competence of students and conditions for the development of their positive motivation for study...


Design activity, school research community, research and practical conference, learning and research work, book of research works

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14116877

IDR: 14116877

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