On the assessing the restaurant service quality and culture

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The article presents the research results of the methodology for assessing the quality and culture of restaurant service. The services and the process of providing them to the consumer are the elements of the service system, but conceptual connections in it is under discussion; and the article indicates the author’s position in it. The study made it possible to clarify the concepts of quality and service culture in relation to the service sector of the restaurant business. The essence of restaurant merchandising is revealed from the perspective of logistics and marketing goals of a catering enterprise and its role in the complex of services of industry enterprises is outlined. The author defines the list of criteria for evaluating restaurant services in terms of their quality and culture, which in turn is embedded in the algorithm for measuring the level of restaurant service based on the analysis of objective and subjective data that form the information basis of the study. The scheme, proposed in the article, allowed us to provide two of the most common approaches to assessing the service level: a weighted multi-criteria assessment and a GAP model adapted to the catering industry. As the conclusion the author substantiates the synergistic effect of the complex influence of the quality and culture of public catering services on consumer satisfaction, and the degree of psychological and physiological comfort of interaction with the restaurant service system.


Catering, restaurant business, service system, quality and culture of services, gap analysis, merchandising

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305420

IDR: 140305420   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12682766

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